Since its establishment in 1984, the Gloucester County Victim/Witness Advocacy Program has grown substantially, and has become an effective integral part the Prosecutor’s Office and Child Advocacy Center. It is the Victim/Witness Advocacy Unit’s obligation to be continually informed and tireless in our efforts to understand and address the stress victims and witnesses of crimes experience as they are taken through the criminal justice system. Victim/Witness Advocates support victims as they deal with feelings of confusion, frustration, fear, and anger that may arise as they navigate the often unpredictable and lengthy criminal justice process. Victim/Witness Advocates are the liaison for the victims as they interact with prosecutors, investigative staff, court personnel and resource providers. From the initial investigation to the final disposition of the case, the Victim/Witness Advocates pledge to support victims and witnesses by keeping them educated and informed about the criminal justice system, as well as insuring that their right to be treated with dignity and compassion is protected. When children come to the Child Advocacy Center they are assigned a Victim Advocate who educates them on the criminal justice process and provides referrals for services. If criminal complaints are signed in an investigation, the advocate provides updates to the victim and their family on the court proceedings and case outcome.
Victim/Witness Advocacy Unit