SVU Received 535 Referrals in 2022

SVU Received 312 Referrals in 2020

SVU Received 535 Referrals in 2022

In 2022, the SVU received and reviewed 535 referrals of sexual assault/physical abuse/human trafficking and missing children. From these referrals, we safely located 16 missing children and successfully handled 312 sexual assault investigations, 35 physical abuse investigations, and 23 endangering the welfare of a child investigations. We also made 45 arrests for first- or second-degree crimes.

SVU Received 414 Referrals in 2021

In 2021, the SVU received and reviewed 414 referrals of sexual assault/physical abuse/human trafficking and missing children. From these referrals, we safely located 39 missing children and successfully handled 312 sexual assault investigations, 35 physical abuse investigations, and 23 endangering the welfare of a child investigations. We also made 45 arrests for first- or second-degree crimes.

SVU Received 312 Referrals in 2020

In 2020, the Special Victims Unit received and reviewed 312 referrals of sexual assault/physical abuse/human trafficking and missing children. Of the 312 referrals, we initiated 101 Criminal Investigations. Of these 312 referrals, 47 Missing Children were located safely, 212 Sexual Assault Investigations, 42 Physical Abuse Investigations, 10 Endangering the Welfare of a Child Investigations, and 1 Human Trafficking Investigations were all handled successfully. Of the 101 criminal investigations, we have 42 arrests for first- or second-degree crimes.